Rajoet Bouquet Bag A
Rp 975.000
Rajoet Natura Square Mini bag on Lilac Get your Rajoet bag with the amazing flowers, variants make it more fun, with Dolcetto Rose as the main flower with layered petals. Ingridient; Rose Dolcetto, Dhianthus, Pom-pom Purple, Loropito, Thalspie, Sanguisorba
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Rajoet Natura Square Mini bag on Lilac Get your Rajoet bag with the amazing flowers, variants make it more fun, with Dolcetto Rose as the main flower with layered petals. Ingridient; Rose Dolcetto, Dhianthus, Pom-pom Purple, Loropito, Thalspie, Sanguisorba
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