Pistachio Alika Vase Bouquet
Rp 1.150.000
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We're gonna preface this part by saying we have PISTACHIO ALIKA.
The thing that Baleton's team has assembled, deliverables for your mom.
Special vase bouquet arrangement with the biggest Roses called Quicksand and
fresh Anthurium also Japanese Chrysanthemum represents longevity, rejuvenation and nobility.
Besides that, what is it that makes this PISTACHIO ALIKA looks special?
Of course Baleton's clear vase, this vase made from recycled glass by local glass craftsmen.
What are you waiting for?
Go check out, write down your love letter to your mom or your wife, maybe?
Make her day even more precious. <3
- Colour : White Green, Purple Soft Flowers: Tulip mix (seperti white garden tulip)
- Size : Medium
- Note: Including Vase + Premium Envelope
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