Floral Fantasy Bouquet
Rp 1.250.000
This bouquet, we use several special flower as seen as picture, we have Purple Tulip, Cherry Vanilla Scabiosa, Lavender Scabiosa, Thalaspi as leaves, roses, lisianthus, pom, and our favourite filler Caspea. Isn’t it so dreamy? Thats why we call it Floral Fantasy. Wrapped in Grey Cellophane. Perfect for whoever love purple so much!
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This bouquet, we use several special flower as seen as picture, we have Purple Tulip, Cherry Vanilla Scabiosa, Lavender Scabiosa, Thalaspi as leaves, roses, lisianthus, pom, and our favourite filler Caspea. Isn’t it so dreamy? Thats why we call it Floral Fantasy. Wrapped in Grey Cellophane. Perfect for whoever love purple so much!
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